Owning several gas station ATMs can definitely make you rich over time. When you think about it, besides taking money out of the bank, people probably take money out of gas station ATMs more often that at any other place. This is because gas stations are usually the last places that people stop before they hit the road for their latest trip...
The Benefit of Owning Gas Station ATM's
Owning several gas station ATMs can definitely make you rich over time. When you think about it, besides taking money out of the bank, people probably take money out of gas station ATMs more often that at any other place. This is because gas stations are usually the last places that people stop before they hit the road for their latest trip (or even commute), so any cash that is needed for tolls and fees has to be obtained there.
There are several different models of gas station ATMs that you can own to generate income. Many are manufactured by Nautilus Hyosung, with other models being produced by Tranax or Triton. AtmWholesaler.com sells just about every kind of gas station ATMs that you could possibly imagine, with just about every price range and feature level covered. Depending on what you want to get out of your gas station ATMs, there are tons of options available.
One of the more popular models of gas station ATMs is the Triton 8100 series. Ideal for gas stations that are out of the way and do not receive much traffic, the 8100 line is the most basic out of the gas station ATMs that Triton sells. It takes up next to no floor space, so gas stations that are cramped can take advantage of the features and benefits offered by ATMs without having to get rid of any inventory to make room. Just as functional as the more expensive gas station ATMs, the 8100 will consistently provide high performance without breaking the bank. Although the 9100 is great for small business owners who want to provide customers with the convenience of being accessible to gas station ATM's, it is not ideal for heavy use.
No matter which brands or models of gas station ATMs you decide to purchase, you are definitely making an investment in your future. Although it may take some time to amass a fortune a couple of dollars at a time, it is definitely possible. Remember the story of the kid who financed his entire college education a penny at a time? You can take advantage of the same kind of idea, paying off your mortgage, credit cards or saving for your retirement one dollar at a time.
To find out about the different models of gas station ATMs offered, check out www.atmwholesaler.com