Believe it or not, investing in a few liquor store ATMs can help you pay off your house, retire early or save for the education of your children. Much like the industrious youngster who financed his entire college education a penny at a time online, you can amass a decent fortune a dollar at a time through liquor store ATMs...
Why Investing in Liquor Store ATMs is a Good Idea
Believe it or not, investing in a few liquor store ATMs can help you pay off your house, retire early or save for the education of your children. Much like the industrious youngster who financed his entire college education a penny at a time online, you can amass a decent fortune a dollar at a time through liquor store ATMs.
There are a number of reasons why liquor store ATMs make for a very smart investment. First and foremost, just about every liquor store also makes money by selling lottery tickets. Since in most states lottery tickets can only be paid for in cash (and people are not going to just skip out on buying their weekly lotto ticket, by doing so they are missing out on a chance at a quick few million dollars), most people will hit up liquor store ATMs for the cash that they need to buy the lotto tickets. Even if only a few people each day do this, in a very short period of time you will have recouped your initial investment. Once you do that, the liquor store ATMs that you purchased are sources of sheer profit.
Unlike a lot of other investments that require you to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to see any significant return (this is particularly true of real estate), liquor store ATMs do not need a lot of cash up front. Because of this, just about anyone can invest in liquor store ATMs and see a return on their money. After all, it does not take very long for liquor store ATMs to pay for themselves in the form of the fees that they assess each person who uses them.
Once you have a couple of liquor store ATMs working to make you money, you can start to branch out and try new things. For example, maybe you can start purchasing higher end liquor store ATMs or experiment with placing them in other locations (like gas stations, truck stops and other places where people are likely to need cash). Probably the best thing about liquor store ATMs is that you do not have to do much to them after you have set them up. Sure, you need to make sure that they are fully stocked with cash, but that is about it. For more information on how to invest in liquor store ATMs, please check out