There are lots of things that you can do to earn money, but probably none of them will be as easy and rewarding as owning a few office building ATMs. People all over the country rely on office building ATMs to get the cash that they need to pay for things like items that coworkers are selling, lunch or items from the vending machines and tolls for the road trip home each day. Each time somebody uses one of the office building ATMs that you own, they put money in your pocket. Not a bad deal for something that requires...
Should You Invest In Office Building ATM's?
There are lots of things that you can do to earn money, but probably none of them will be as easy and rewarding as owning a few office building ATMs. People all over the country rely on office building ATMs to get the cash that they need to pay for things like items that coworkers are selling, lunch or items from the vending machines and tolls for the road trip home each day. Each time somebody uses one of the office building ATMs that you own, they put money in your pocket. Not a bad deal for something that requires next to no maintenance or actual work!
To prove that office building ATMs are a good investment idea, all you need to do is run through the quick math. Say you charge $2.50 cents each time somebody uses the machine, and an average of 50 people use it each week (which is a fairly low number, but we should assume the worst case scenario). Essentially, you are making $125 each week, or $500 a month. Assuming you spent $5000 on each of the office building ATMs that you own, you would have the actual machines paid off in under a year. From there, all of the fees that they bring in are sheer profit.
After the office building ATMs that you purchase have paid themselves off and you are making a decent amount of money, you can start reinvesting the cash that they earn you into even more office building ATMs. If you continually reinvest in your ATM empire, it will not take much time for you to cross the million dollar mark. Imagine making more than a million dollars, all without having to do any real work!
One of the things that chases people away from the idea of owning office building ATMs is the fact that they do not know the first thing about how to go about buying the machines in the first place. Fortunately, there is a company that is completely dedicated to buying ATMs at wholesale, then reselling them to individuals and passing along the savings. That company is This particular retailer has just about all brands and models of office building ATMs, and the people who work for the company know everything there is to know about buying and owning them. The sales people can direct you to the right ATM for your needs, so be sure to get in touch with them today!